...I am distracted by beauty. Parked right in front of me is a teal vase containing a garden bouquet of twenty roses, a bright spectrum of colors: fuchsia, blue-red, talcy pink, peach, yellow-white (the Swan), purple-and-white stripe (Purple Tiger), orangey-cream tinged with pink (Abraham Darby), and a hot pink that verges on red (Leonardo da Vinci). They all have names, of course, such as Intrigue, Autumn Sunset, Lasting Peace, and Fame. Some open simply, others are densely ruffled. Some roses seem to be tumbling from the squat round vase, tumbling yet stopped in midair. Others are braced by the lip of the vase, chins resting. Most are fanned out at different angles. But for the green foliage giving them a context and weave, they would seem to be floating on clouds or a rose iceberg of different hues. The whole effect is beautiful enough to make one cry out, not in pain but in beauty. Wow!
- from "Cultivating Delight, A Natural History of My Garden" by Diane Ackerman
The language of roses:
love, grace, purity, charm, simplicity.
Rose Petal Tea
2 teaspoonfuls of fine black tea
1 teaspoonful dried, organic rose petals
2 cups boiling water
Pour the water over the tea and flowers, steep 5 minutes.
Strain and enjoy with honey and cream.
Wandering through gardens in books,
Mrs. K
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